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Company/Organization Awards Categories


Recognizing the achievements of entire organizations since the beginning of 2023. These categories are open to all organizations worldwide - for-profit and non-profit, large and small, public and private. 
   Nominations that won in the 2024 IBAs may be resubmitted for consideration in the 2025 IBAs. If they have been updated with recent achievements, they may be submitted to the same categories in which they won. If they have not been updated, they must be submitted to categories different from those in which they won.

Information to be submitted online for entries in these categories in the 2025 competition include

1  Written answers to the following questions, describing the nominated organization's achievements since 1 January 2023, OR a video of up to five (5) minutes in length that answers all of the same questions:

a. Briefly describe the nominated organization - its purpose, history, and operations (up to 200 words).  Required
b. Outline the organization's achievements since the beginning of 2023 that you wish to bring to the judges' attention (up to 250 words).  Required
c. Explain why the achievements you have highlighted are unique or significant.  If possible compare the achievements to the performance of other players in your industry and/or to your past performance (up to 250 words).  Required
d. Reference any attachments of supporting materials throughout this nomination and how they provide evidence of the claims you have made in this nomination. At the very least, provide a link to your organization's homepage.  (up to 250 words).  Optional

2  Optional (but highly recommended), a collection of supporting files and web addresses that you may upload to our server to support your entry and provide more background information to the judges.

How to Win Twice the Recognition for Your Organization

People's Choice Stevie Awards for Favorite Companies LogoEvery organization that is honored with a Gold, Silver or Bronze Stevie Award in the following Company of the Year categories (categories B01 - B35) will automatically be included in voting for the People's Choice Stevie Awards for Favorite Companies.  Voting will be conducted by the general public worldwide in August - September, and the winners will be honored at the IBA awards banquet in October 2025.  When the results of the IBAs' peer-conducted judging are announced in August, honorees in the Company of the Year categories will receive instructions on how to promote People's Choice voting to their own customers and stakeholders.  Note that only nominees that receive at least 100 public votes are eligible to win a People's Choice Stevie Award.

Company of the Year

There are no entry fees for the Company of the Year categories (categories B01 - B35).  Nominated organizations may be for-profit or non-profit, public or private, large or small.  Each of these industry categories has three sub-categories:

  • Small (≤ 50 employees and turnover ≤ €10 m / $11 million)
  • Medium-size (≤ 250 employees and turnover ≤ €50 m / $55 million)
  • Large (> 250 employees and turnover > €50 m / $55 million)

B01.    Advertising, Marketing, & Public Relations
B02.    Aerospace & Defense
B03.    Apparel, Beauty & Fashion
B04.    Automotive & Transport Equipment
B05.    Banking
B06.    Business & Professional Services
B07.    Chemicals
B08.    Computer Hardware
B09.    Computer Software
B10.    Computer Services
B11.    Conglomerates
B12.    Consumer Products - Durables
B13.    Consumer Products - Non-Durables
B14.    Consumer Services
B15.    Diversified Services
B16.    Electronics
B17.    Energy
B18.    Financial Services
B19.    Food & Beverage
B20.    Health Products & Services
B21.    Hospitality & Leisure
B22.    Insurance
B23.    Internet/New Media
B24.    Legal
B25.    Manufacturing
B26.    Materials & Construction
B27.    Media & Entertainment
B28.    Metals & Mining
B29.    Non-Profit or Government Organizations
B30.    Pharmaceuticals
B31.    Real Estate
B32.    Retail
B33.    Telecommunications
B34.    Transportation
B35.    Utilities

B36. Startup of the Year (for companies that began operations since 1 January 2022, but the nominations should describe achievements since the beginning of 2023).  There are no entry fees for the Startup of the Year categories.
a. Business Product Industries
b. Business Service Industries
c. Consumer Product Industries
d. Consumer Service Industries

B37. Tech Startup of the Year (for companies that began operations since January 1 2022, but the nominations should describe achievements since the beginning of 2023).  There is no entry fee for this category
a. Hardware/Peripherals
b. Services
c. Software

B38. Most Innovative Company of the Year (recognizing product and/or marketing, sales, manufacturing, management, etc. innovation in the past two years)
   a. Up to 100 Employees
   b. Up to 2,500 Employees
   c. More Than 2,500 Employees

B39. Most Innovative Tech Company of the Year (recognizing overall achievement in product and/or marketing, sales, manufacturing, management, etc. innovation)
   a. Up to 100 Employees
   b. Up to 2,500 Employees
   c. More Than 2,500 Employees

B40. Innovation of the Year (recognizing singular innovations in product and/or marketing, sales, manufacturing, management, etc., by an organization or an individual)
   a. Business Product Industries
   b. Business Service Industries
   c. Consumer Product Industries
   d. Consumer Service Industries

B41. Technical Innovation of the Year (recognizing singular innovations in technology, new products, etc., by an organization or an individual)
   a. At Organizations With Up to 100 Employees
   b. At Organizations With Up to 1,000 Employees
   c. At Organizations With 1,000 or More Employees

B42. Corporate Social Responsibility Program of the Year (recognizing organizations' contributions to society)
a. in Asia, Australia and New Zealand
b. in Asia (China, Japan and Korea)
c. in Europe
d. in the Middle East and Africa
e. in Canada and the U.S.A.
f. in Mexico, the Caribbean & Central and South America

B43. Fastest-Growing Company of the Year (recognizing outstanding revenue growth since the start of 2023 over 2022).  In outlining the organization's achievements since the beginning of 2023, make certain that you state the organization's revenue growth since the beginning of 2023, over 2022, in real or percentage terms.
a. in Asia, Australia and New Zealand
b. in Asia (China, Japan and Korea)
c. in Europe
d. in the Middle East and Africa
e. in Canada and the U.S.A.
f. in Mexico, the Caribbean & Central and South America

B44. Health, Safety & Environment Program of the Year  (recognizing organizations' successful implementation of policies to prevent workplace accidents and injuries, increase safety awareness, and meet the requirements of environmental and occupational health and safety laws and requirements)
a. in Asia, Australia and New Zealand
b. in Asia (China, Japan and Korea)
c. in Europe
d. in the Middle East and Africa
e. in Canada and the U.S.A.
f. in Mexico, the Caribbean & Central and South America

B45. Energy Industry Innovation of the Year: This category recognizes singular innovations in energy-related technology, production, conservation, storage or delivery, by an organization or an individual anywhere in the world, since 1 January 2023.  There is no entry fee for this category.